Home Politics Railing Road Road System: Requirements and Installation Rules

Railing Road Road System: Requirements and Installation Rules

by britainsnews

Design and assembly of the rafter system for the pitched roof

The roof is the first that we see when approaching one or another house. Therefore, it is not at all surprising that now there is a variety of roofs and roofing coatings. Despite this, the principle of erecting the roof remains unchanged, only the level of complexity of their installation and elements of roofs changes. In fact, it all depends on the principle of the rafter system. Mauerlat is installed on the long sides. It is a wooden beam, to which the rafters are subsequently attached to avoid slipping. If we are talking about a wooden house, then Mauerlat can be replaced by the upper crowns of the building. Then a step for the rafters is marked. Depending on the length of the cross section of the rafters, the step may vary somewhat.

Typically, the end or pediment pairs of the rafter system are usually exhibited first. They must be fixed and pulled onto the axis. After that, the rest of the rafters are also installed. In places where the rafters are connected, it is necessary to install the skate run, which allows you to give the rigidity of the rafter structure of the roof. In order for the attic to be the optimal space, it is recommended to install an attic that will save space without an additional increase in area.

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