Home Business How to install drywall yourself

How to install drywall yourself

by britainsnews

In the installation of drywall, one of the main tasks is to correctly decide on which drywall and racks are needed. It should also be remembered that in wet rooms you need to use VGLK – moisture -resistant drywall. Then competently set the frame for drywall. When the issue with the choice and setting the frame for drywall will be resolved, we proceed to the installation of drywall.

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To do this, you need to put a sheet of drywall to the frame and begin to attach it from the upper corner with self -tapping screws with a 220 mm step, taking off the screw (self -tapping screw) by 1 mm. When the sheet is attached, it is important not to forget to drill holes for sockets and switches, if any on this sheet. Next, continue to fix the drywall sheets in the same order until the entire frame closes.

Before starting to putty the drowned heads of screws and seams, it is necessary to clean them of debris and dust. Use only a deep penetration soil. As soon as the soil dries, you can proceed to putty. To do this, put a layer of putty on a sickle – self -adhesive glass tape. When this task is completed – the installation of drywall will be completely ready.

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