When measuring the distance, the pipe is placed on the rail so that the horizontal thread is compatible with the zero stroke of the nonius, and then rotate it in the vertical plane until the stroke of the cutter is combined with the barge of the rail. At the same time, you need to ensure that the thread of the grid does not go beyond the scale of the Nonius scale.
The countdown consists of three values:
1. Of the whole meters equal to the number of whole divisions located to the zero stroke of Nonius. 2. From the number of whole decimeters equal to the number of the coincidence of Nonius stroke. 3. Of the centimeters and their shares equal to the number of Nonius divisions and their shares from the zero stroke of Nonius to the average horizontal mesh thread. Bringing the rangeer coefficient to the value of K = 100 is carried out in the following order. 1. Measure a horizontal basis about 140 m long with a relative error of not more than 1: 7000. 2. Measure this basis by the rangefinder with three or four techniques. 3. If the distance determined by the rangefinder will differ by more than 1: 5000, then wearing is necessary. To do this, turn the frame with wedges in the vertical plane using screws 5 until the rangefinder distance is equal to the length of the basis. An increase in the reference on the rail is achieved by the weakening of the lower and fixing the upper screws; reduction – reverse rotation of these screws. To bring the line -measured lines to the horizon, vertical angles are measured with clines closed by the curtain. The compensator due to an excessive increase in one halfins also serves as an optical micrometer. DD5 nozzle is used in combination with theodolite of Tom and can be used with theodolites in which the diameter of the lens frame is 38 mm. In Fig. 105 shows a nozzle 1 and a counterweight 2 on theodolite volume. The value of the parallactic angle formed by the compensator, which corresponds to the range of the farmer K = 200. The nozzle can be used vertically and horizontally located rails. With a vertical rail, a clamping screw 3 should be on the right, and its head is directed upward. With a horizontally located rail, the nozzle is rotated by 90 °. The DD5 farmer is designed to measure distances from 40 to 200 m with a relative average square error 1: 1200 (when using a vertical rail). The theory of the farmer DD5 is the same as the farmer DDZ. The difference is that the images relative to the visitor of the pipe in the farmer DD5 are shifted symmetrically. The range finder includes two rails of 1, 5 m long with round levels. Each rail is a wooden beam with invar scales stretched on it (one on each side) and noniuses. The distances between the axes of the strokes on one side of the rail are 2 cm, and on the other – 5 cm. On the first side, distances from 40 to 130 m are measured, and by the second – from 100 to 200 m. Noniuses on the rails are built so that their ten divisions correspond to eighteen divisions of Reiki.