Home Politics Choosing material for the construction of sliding partitions

Choosing material for the construction of sliding partitions

by britainsnews

Varieties of sliding partitions and subtleties of installation

The most successful panel partitions from multi -strokes wood -based plates and multi -layer panel partitions of wood -fiber slabs with factory decoration with synthetic films, synthetic moisture -resistant paints or decorative plywood.

Partitions from multi -route wood -steering plates are used in an experimental residential building from plastics in Moscow.

In foreign practice, partitions from wood and fiber slabs are made of separate prefabricated elements on a wooden or metal frame.

Light -resistant fiberglass partitions.

Partitions made of fiberglass are a three -layer structure of a wooden frame, fiberglass covered with flat sheets on both sides.

Light -permeable partitions are used in those premises of residential and public buildings that need to be lit by the second light.

The technology for manufacturing the panels of the partitions is the same as the panels of the coatings, since the structural scheme is identical.

Partitions made of fiberglass are characterized by lightness, convenience and speed of installation, ease of production, but their widespread use in the construction of residential and public buildings is possible only after replacing toxic components in the composition of fiberglass. Different interesting engineering surveys can be found here.

Sliding partitions are divided into sash: independently moving sashes and hinges-connected sashes; folded: hard and soft; scheduled; Flat partitions (light transparent and deaf).

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