Home Politics Metal tile for high -quality and reliable roof decoration

Metal tile for high -quality and reliable roof decoration

by britainsnews

The concept and advantages of metal tiles as roofing material

Recently, all types of metal roofs that are more persistent to all types of flowing and damage have been increasingly used to cover buildings and structures. Coatings are especially in greater demand, in the manufacture of which a profiled sheet and its varieties are used, imitating tiles and called metal tiles. Interest in this roofing material is caused by a fairly wide area of ​​application. The roof of the metal tile is used both in the construction of new buildings and in reconstructions, since you can do without dismantling the previous coating. This type of roof will be optimal for the construction of industrial buildings, low -rise buildings and temporary structures (kiosks, cottages).

Not the last role in the relevance of metal tiles is played by the advantages of the material from which it is made. The steel sheet (0.4-0.5 mm) is based on the basis. Then a layer of zinc is applied to it (in an amount from 140 g/m2 to 275 g/m2), or an aluminum alloy with zinc. The process ends with the application of one of the types of polymer coatings: with the help of polyester, plastisol or purple. They prevent steel corrosion and provide color resistance. The metal tile is an environmentally friendly material and is characterized by such advantages as insignificant weight, decorativeness, long life. Disadvantages often include a higher level of noise during wind and rain. However, this can be avoided by following the quality of the starting material, technical equipment and fasteners.

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