Home Real estate A wooden house is a self -portrait of the owner

A wooden house is a self -portrait of the owner

by britainsnews

All people perceive the phrase “wooden house” in different ways. One is seen behind these words of a dilapidated rickety hut, others represent a flimsy garden house, others immediately imagine a spacious estate. But more often, perhaps, the fantasy dwells on the country estate, picturesque and harmoniously inscribed in the landscape.

Consider the trends in the design of wooden buildings this year.

Despite the fact that now material such as aerated concrete is most popular in suburban construction, there are also many fans in wooden cottages and summer cottages and summer cottages. It is worth noting that private wooden house building cannot be called homogeneous.

The tree makes it possible to realize the most diverse fantasies of the hosts about appearance and purpose – from the most democratic to the “premium”, from the modest dachas of the “Soviet“ ”module of 6×6” to elegant chalets in the hilly area and spacious cottages with free planning space.

The boundaries are erased

As designers and builders notice, the border between medium and expensive projects is blurred, both pricing and high -quality. For example, in the recent past in the mass summer cottage segment, sentences from calibrated logs and log cabins made of wood of natural humidity were leader. And potential summer householders were even afraid to wave the glued beam, which was considered elite in the work. However, competition in the market contributed to the fact that the beam became available in the democratic summer cottage segment. Moreover, mainly in the form of ready -made designs, which are installed on the foundation of screw piles or a monolithic plate with an area of ​​6×6 or 6×8 m.

This is beneficial to the owner, as it eliminates the difficulties of postcards repairs. Similar buildings are enough by the minimum external and interior decoration.

The pluses of factory houses from glued beams include minimalizing human participation in the construction – the presence of foremen and workers, which positively affects the quality as a result.

In the expensive segment of houses from glued beams, the same tendency of rapprochement of price-quality is observed. According to Nikolai Alekseev, the head of the Lans Group Architectural Studio, even a non -poor customer considers money, preferring to “leave” on more affordable material even in exclusive copyright projects. For example, refuses internal partitions from whole wood in favor of frame, prefers to save on complex technological nodes. The same massive corner “breakdowns”, which had popularity several years ago, are now replaced by lightweight designs.

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