Home Politics Characteristics and use of bricks in the construction sector

Characteristics and use of bricks in the construction sector

by britainsnews

Brick for the construction of houses: dignity, types and properties

Brick is the most reliable and strong building material, which still does not exist. It has come to us since ancient times, it is a clay mixed with water and burned at a very high temperature. Most often two types of bricks are used, such as hollow and full -bodied. The latter have a large number of advantages. They are more durable and reliable, therefore, they are used when laying the foundation, as well as bearing structures. A full -bodied brick will perfectly maintain heat in the house without missing the outer cold, while not cracking. Excellent resistance to any temperature drops. The percentage of moisture absorption is approximately 10. Hollow, he is also a holey and slit brick, ideal for the construction of internal partitions.

He has large thermal insulation properties than his fellow, but at the same time carries a smaller load on the foundation. When laying bricks are unpretentious, even a layman can put them. Combined using a cement mortar, they create a structure almost invulnerable to external influences. The sale of bricks mainly occurs in construction markets, where you can order the required amount. When choosing, you should pay attention to the form of brick. He must have perfectly even edges. The weight of one full brick is approximately 4-4.5 kg. The percentage of the void in the brick is not worth the exceed 13. Otherwise, such a brick will not demolish his proper service. When tapping, the brick should make a characteristic ring. Today, 200 million bricks are produced annually in the world. And these are only factory, there are artisanal analogues.

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