Home Real estate RECEMENTS


by britainsnews

RECEMENTS are used for heat transfer between the incoming and outing air flows.

That is, in the winter, an incoming cold air flow is heated by a reinfected capture and

on the contrary, in the summer incoming air is cooled by the cold.

The most common types of reeds:

Rotor RECOMETOPS – transmit the heat of the rotor, which rotates between the incoming and output air flows. Characterized

high heat transfer efficiency of 60-85% and the possibility of adjusting it can maintain humidity. Expensive in

maintenance and dimensions in size.

Plastic re -reduceds – air flows intersect, but do not mix. Heat is transmitted by a tool of the plates that are from one

the parties heat up, and on the other, cool. Characterized by the average heat transfer efficiency of 40-65%, the absence of which

or consumers of elictpoenergy, there are no friction nodes in the design. In winter periods, pumps are required for

condensation allocation.

Water recirculation reeds – supply and exhaust heat exchangers can be located at a distance from each other,

heat transfer occurs due to water. The main advantage is the ability to set the supply and exhaust

heat exchanger at a distance from each other, and the lack of a water line and a high cost with a disadvantage.

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