Home Economy Waterproofing with delivery and the most acceptable prices

Waterproofing with delivery and the most acceptable prices

by britainsnews

Ruberoid refers to waterproofing roofing materials made on the basis of bitumen impregnation. The absorption layer is cardboard, the same cardboard that is used in the production of drywall. Depending on the thickness of the cardboard, the price of roofing material. This material does not rot, has moisture -repellent properties, elastic. It includes sprinkling, reducing bitumen consumption and increasing resistance to mechanical influences. Roofing roofing from roofing material can be both flat and nickname. Sometimes this material is used to isolate the foundations. Is one of the cheapest ways to arrange a roof.

Having decided to buy a roofing material, first of all, it is necessary to clarify the store managers, which of the current (or offered at this outlet) types are suitable for the tasks set before it. If the material is bought to install the lining layer, then you can do with a roofing material of lower thickness and, therefore, a low cost. In order to protect only with its help the roof from leaks, choose, firstly, thicker material, and secondly, think through a vapor barrier method. In addition, consider the fact that you will have to lay the roofing material 3-4 times.

The simplest roofing material called pergamine is mounted on a bitumen mastic, which can be either cold and hot. Other, more modern varieties of roofing material, for example, euro -rubled, rubemast, can be attached to the base by fusing.

Before you start to cover the surface with roofing material, it is necessary to roll it out so that it straightens. By mounting waterproofing in one – two layers, you will have to remove sprinkling either mechanically or using diesel fuel (diesel fuel). This is done so that it can be connected by the line of the roofing material on the overlap – mineral sprinkling prevents gluing.

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