Home Lifestyle Subtleties and basic rules of winter construction

Subtleties and basic rules of winter construction

by britainsnews

Disadvantages and features of construction in winter

The disadvantages of winter construction are only organizational in nature, this does not affect technology and quality of work. First – the weather is unpredictable, especially in the last winters, agree. It is difficult to work with a lot of wood in large frosts, but it is better not to work at all. If the street is severe frost, the tree becomes fragile. You can break the blankets when installation. Therefore, the construction periods will be able to drag out when severe frosts come suddenly and for a long time. Second – you will need to take care of the lighting of the construction site, so that the construction work is not particularly dragged out – in winter, after all, the day is too short. In addition, it will be necessary to carefully take care of the workers, about their living room (if these are seasonals/shift workers), so that they have to warm up, as well as the possibility of cooking food.

Third – if the winter is snowy, daily forced cleaning at the construction site can be brought to anyone’s white heat. This is told in relations with the builders, or on relations with the “half”, if the builder is you yourself. Fourth – some types of work prohibited or are not recommended in winter, for example, roofing, painting. Therefore, the purpose of winter construction is to bring the log house under the roof, and install the rafters, pull the PVC film instead of the roof, in order to protect the log house from spring rains, and in the summer to continue construction work. By that time, your house will just give a siege.

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