Home Lifestyle Collection of top 100 best books

Collection of top 100 best books

by buma888

A newcomer who is just beginning to familiarize himself with the world of classical literature, one of the goals is reading to develop taste, it is otherwise known as literary taste. One of the best ways to develop this quality will be to read the 100 best books from the classics of world literature, this list contains the works of different authors of different eras, written in different genres, which gives the opportunity to develop a flexible perception of literary thought.


In order to choose a really suitable collection that will help develop taste and understanding of literature, you should pay attention to such an aspect as the variety of genres in this collection. From the classic prose of Dostoevsky to the poems, or as they say, rubayats of Omar Khayyam, this is what this collection should look like. Reading books of a variety of genres, the reader will learn to understand and highlight specific elements of each, to realize which literary works are saturated with philosophical thoughts and deep character development, and which are more superficial prose, emphasizing historical facts. In case you want to get all the benefits of reading classic literature, it will not be unreasonable for you to purchase 100 best books of the 20th century.

Reading pleasure

Each novel has its own unique language and construction. In some you may enjoy the precision and simplicity of phrases, while in others you will be interested in a more expansive writing style that is characterized by more words to describe characters and surroundings.

Critical Thinking

Reading literary works is useful not only for enjoyment or to enrich your knowledge of the life stories that are embodied in novels. You get even the added benefit of the fact that this reading develops your critical thinking. They make you think about the complex philosophical and ethical debates that the characters face and the consequences that come because of their decisions and choices.

Reading anthologies in the form of 100 Best Works is a true journey through the world of literature, which not only gives you pleasure and enriches your life with poignant fiction stories, but also brings quite a practical benefit by developing critical thinking skills and literary taste. Each genre, style and author allows the reader to look at their values and life from their angle, developing diversity of thought and perception.

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