Home News Siding for the home

Siding for the home

by britainsnews

How to sheathe a house with siding correctly, without overpayments and with confidence in the chosen manufacturer? The answer is simple: trust brands with a high reputation and buy panels for siding in the online store, where the cost is lower: +7 (383) 240 99 98.

Home sheathing siding is a great way to protect the home from weather factors. PVC panels have a number of undeniable advantages:

– do not burn; – do not get dirty (dirt, fat, etc. almost do not stick to them. D.); – do not require care (it is enough to wash them once a year with a special solution or even water); – very durable; – This is environmentally friendly material; – easily dismantled, so that damaged panels (anything can happen) are replaced without problems with new ones; – do not rot; – protect the house from ultraviolet rays, without burning in the sun. – are not subject to corrosion; – do not lay, do not peel off, do not swell, do not break down.

This is only a small part of the advantages of siding from profiled panels in front of other materials – lining, metal, etc.

Siding in Novosibirsk and generally in Siberia – what to do with the weather?

There is a myth according to which siding in severe frost becomes fragile, and a beautiful coating cracks with a slight blow. Is it worth using plastic panels for outdoor work if there are -30 again in winter? Such issues were relevant in the past, but not today.

Modern siding is frost -resistant and withstands temperatures from -50 to +59 degrees. Rare cases when panels do not withstand wind and/or cold, are usually associated with unskilled installation.

Siding is savings!

The price of siding, even if we talk about the best manufacturers of this material, relatively small. The reason is simple – the production of plastic panels is inexpensive.

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