Home Lifestyle Plywood 12 mm Molisten

Plywood 12 mm Molisten

by britainsnews

Moisture -resistant plywood 1. 5×1. 5 – 12 mm is most often used for lining the floors under the parquet board. However, on this area of ​​use, it is not exhausted. Partitions are made from moisture -resistant plywood of 12 mm, in low -rise construction, the walls are sheathed with its help. This material can also be used for the production of warehouse racks. With it, you can quickly zone the room, allocate household rooms or create sectors in the office, make booths, burn certain areas from the common space. Moisture -resistant plywood 12 is highly durable with simultaneous elasticity, durability and safety for humans. If you need a perfectly flat surface for a parquet board, then the best option will be – buy a moisture -resistant plywood. Made from glued and compressed sheets of veneer, such material is an excellent shock absorber of loads due to the cross -shaped in each next layer of fibers. If you follow all the nuances of laying plywood and laminated boards, then the floor mounted in this way will serve as faith and truth for more than one year. For the production of plywood with a moisture -resistant 12 mm, the price of which depends on many factors, thin layers of wood are taken, aligned and dried in a production method. Depending on which veneer was used, plywood will have higher or low quality. Less durable plywood – from conifers, more resistant to mechanical effects – from deciduous. Plywood processing has its own characteristics. In particular, when sawing or drilling, it is necessary to glue the adhesive tape to the place of the future hole or sawing from the reverse side. This is done to avoid breaking part of the material from the total mass. The tape will prevent an uneven distribution of effort, holding the fibers in place and preventing them from peeling down.

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