Home Lifestyle Egg donation in Ukraine: features and requirements for donors

Egg donation in Ukraine: features and requirements for donors

by buma888

Egg donation in Ukraine is a legal and well-regulated procedure that is often used in combination with surrogacy programs. This process helps many couples and single people realize their dream of having a child. IVF with a Donor Eggs is an effective method to realize your dreams and become parents. Baby on Board agency offers a full range of highly professional services in Ukraine.

Features of egg donation

At Baby on Board, egg donation is carried out on an anonymous basis; donors and recipients do not meet or know each other. This ensures privacy and security for both the donor and recipient. There are many Ukrainian egg donors with different blood types and physical characteristics. All donors are carefully selected and undergo a comprehensive medical examination.

Donors are tested for AMH levels and antral follicle counts to ensure adequate ovarian reserve. A psychological assessment and medical examination are also carried out, and tests for infectious diseases are carried out. All egg donation and surrogacy procedures in Ukraine are regulated by law, therefore ensuring legal protection for all parties.

Requirements for Ukrainian egg donors

According to the requirements for the procedure for assisted reproductive technologies, women who meet the following criteria can become egg donors:

  • age from 18 to 36 years;
  • having your own healthy child;
  • absence of negative phenotypic manifestations;
  • satisfactory somatic health;
  • no medical contraindications to donation.

Donors must meet certain physical and genetic standards. They must be in good physical condition and must not have any bad habits.

Thus, if you need Ukrainian egg donors and a surrogacy program, just contact the Baby on Board agency. Subject matter experts will help at every stage of the process, ensuring effective results. This is a reliable and proven way to help families around the world realize their dream of having a child. With the help of professionals and strict adherence to all medical and legal standards, the agency ensures the safety and effectiveness of the program.

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