Home Real estate Buy disc saws

Buy disc saws

by britainsnews

Is a disco saw important in construction? Of course! You can not do without a disk plate during the construction of a house, work with wood or metals, when installing furniture and many other works. Disk or circular electric saw is indispensable in a wide range of repair and construction work.

Its main characteristic is the maximum sawing depth. It determines the price, mass, power, etc. D. Disc saws are three sizes: large, medium and small. Large depth-65-70 mm, medium-50-55, small-40-46 mm. Middle saws are the most popular, t. To. They have the qualities of both large and small. They are easy to transfer to a new place, they are maneuverable, and the capture depth is quite large. However, if you are building a house, it is better to purchase a large saw. This will be a stationary version, less convenient to handle, but more functional. A small saw should be purchased if you work with thin material. They are most maneuverable, they are easiest to control and make figured cuts.

For work with the material, several types of saws are distinguished: for non -ferrous metals, for artificial wooden materials (chipboard, fiberboard, OSB, etc.), for transverse cutting of wood, for longitudinal cutting of wood. The price of electric saws depends on the functions and additional capabilities. It will increase if the saw has additional advantages, for example: a smooth start system, immersion function (for cutting not from the beginning of the material, but from the middle), overheating, control of the speed of the disk, the cooling system and other options.

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