Home News A little about suspended ceilings

A little about suspended ceilings

by britainsnews

To correct adverse impressions of imbalances in a small room, in many cases suspended ceilings come to the rescue. With them, you can disguise many defects. In this case, a crack, seam, wiring and different communications that are under the ceiling will be hidden.

In the suspended structure, you can mount the local, lantern and not one. This type of lighting devices has a directed light ray, it is used to emphasize the emotional accents of compositions.

If an additional ceiling is built, which is in a different level, then in this case the entire atmosphere of the house is taken into account: decoration of walls, floors, a variety of furniture. If the walls are glued with wallpaper, natural material or textiles, then it will be the interior style for classics.

For suspended ceilings, you can use different materials that have a wooden basis. Natural matte shine will be consonant with natural material.

Such a material as a tree will need to be treated with additional compounds, which are called impregnation. Impregnation can be different, it can be based on nitro -cellulose composition, alkyd. Can simply be treated with water -based paint. In rare cases, instead of impregnation, varnish is used.

It will be better to choose the composition that will create additional protection of the tree, and will not spoil the beauty of the structure of the tree, but rather highlight it.

Instead of a natural tree, you can use parquet, or a board, which is often called laminated. Such materials are perfectly imitated by a tree breed, but more plastic, easy and convenient to work and do not require additional processing. Everything has already been done at the factory using technology.

It is often used in many interiors that are made in a modern style of “pop art”, materials from plastic, glass, metal.

In the modern interior, a neutral approach prevails. These are large elements that are very plastic, used in a spacious and high room, in the lobby. For a small room, the details of the details may be suitable, which is smaller, but has an appropriate configuration of the space. In this way, you can create the perfect kitchen. The lack of oblong and high hallways can fix the transverse division of suspended structures. A good result will be a layout of floor drawings on the ceiling. That is, the shape of the picture that has a flooring – repeats the ceiling.

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