Home Business What tiles to buy for a private house: what to take into account

What tiles to buy for a private house: what to take into account

by britainsnews

Currently, a more popular option for flooring for the kitchen, corridor, bathroom (in warm edges or if there is a “warm floor” system) – floor tiles. Tiles, if it is of good quality and is perfectly applied, has the opportunity to operate for decades, it is simply cleaned, does not collect dust, inexpensive (taking into account the life). In the middle of the defects of the tiles, it can be noted that the dishes that have fallen on it or clay trinkets are almost always broken.

Choosing a tile, it is necessary to provide for its wear resistance, which is guided by a suitable class: the 2nd class is suitable for the toilet; to the kitchen and in the corridor – 3; 5th (the highest)-for balconies and open loggias or buildings, every day passing a lot of people. Significant, except that the tile is not slippery, especially when water gets on it.

Once on the floor they will walk not so much in household slippers, at the time of choosing clay tiles, it is necessary to direct your gaze to the surface hardness. Keep in mind that a small scratch will become noticeable on a shining plane, although it is not quite visible on opaque; Inevitable dirt in the hallway and less it is visible on black surfaces with a heterogeneous pattern.

The scatter of floors of floor tiles is so large that it has no use to bring them here. We only note that the extremely simple Russian will limit himself not to cheaper 300 rubles per square meter m, the greatest choice in the price section of 600-800 rubles per square meter.

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