Home News Features of foundations

Features of foundations

by britainsnews

Ask any schoolboy that is the basis of any building, and hear the word “foundation” in response. That is why, starting the construction of an immovable object, it is important to recall all the features of the foundations and take them into account in the work. This approach guarantees the stability and strength of the construction and ensure the safety of its operation.

The first thing to choose when laying the foundation is its view. It is worth saying that the type of foundation is determined by the type of construction, which will subsequently build. Based on this, the foundation can be tape, slab, columnar or pile. In addition, it is possible to divide the foundations into step, point, consisting of blocks, glass or bath types.

Ribbon foundations are used exclusively for buildings in which load distribution will occur evenly. The slab foundation is recommended to be used for the construction of structures with high loads concentrated in a certain place, for example, during the construction of buildings with columns. On a columnar foundation, it is best to place the intersections of the walls, and the pile foundation is necessary in the construction of buildings on soft soil.

The choice of the necessary type of foundation should occur only after a detailed analysis of the project of the future building, topography of the proposed site and its hydrogeological research.

Thus, the features of the foundations are directly related to the features of the future building and the place selected for the construction. All mistakes made in the construction of foundations will affect the functioning of the building and reduce its life. Often, the shortcomings allowed at the initial stage cannot be corrected that, one way or another, it nullifies all the efforts of the workers engaged in the construction of the building.

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