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What materials are finished at home at home

by britainsnews

Today, each manufacturer offers completely different options for the design of metal doors. The cheapest and simplest option is a dermatin coating, t. e. vinylism, or laminate or plastic. Such types of facing are easily washed, do not pass moisture, are quite practical and durable, and also tolerate mechanical influences well. For example, the cladding from the vinylski is able to enhance the sound – and thermal insulation. In addition, such a cladding has a completely neat appearance.

As for the laminated sheathing, its main disadvantage is considered to be a limited gamut of colors. In addition, a deep milling of the drawing is impossible, t. To. The thickness is very small, and the material is very solid.

Metal doors with MDF panels are environmentally friendly, they are not afraid of humidity and have a high level of wear resistance. In MDF panels, the thickness varies from 6 to 16 mm, which allows you to perform deep milling, which creates an imitation of wood massif. This effect is enhanced due to lamination by a special texture film.

Powder spraying on the doors allows them not to burn out in the sun, they are not afraid of moisture and be absolutely inert to the effects of an alkaline or acidic medium, as well as indifferent to temperature fluctuations.

Natural wood panels have long become the most elite door skin. As a rule, they use oak, cherries and a book. In addition to impeccable appearance, such panels provide noise – and thermal insulation. They are durable and wear -resistant.

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