Home Business Thermal deformations in the clines of a closed circuit

Thermal deformations in the clines of a closed circuit

by britainsnews

Repaying the actions of internal efforts in the walls of monolithic blocks

The value of this bending moment (when the block is heated) depends mainly on the difference in temperature on both surfaces of the closed shape of the block and does not depend on the thickness of the wall and its geometric shape. The neutral axis between the compression and stretching forces (in the vertical plane of the cross section) at the beginning of the heating of the block (from the inside) passes near the inner surface of the wall and then, as it heats, it gradually moves towards the middle of the wall thickness, however, beyond its limits, however, beyond its limits.

The action of the bending moment in the transverse section of the block wall when the edge stresses reaches the strength of the strength of the strength primarily on the outside of the block, where the forces of stretching. Since concrete works well for compression, but poorly resists stretching, the formation of a transverse crack in a monolithic full -set unit always occurs on the outside, when the tension voltage exceeds the strength of concrete to the gap. Then the crack deeps up through the entire thickness of the block.

Increments from vertical lengthening with a relatively low height of the block due to free lengthening of noticeable physical changes in the walls of the blocks do not cause. To repay the action of the emerging internal efforts in the walls of monolithic blocks of a closed shape, gaskets, the so -called compensators are used.

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