Home News Techniques and rules for glazing balconies and loggias

Techniques and rules for glazing balconies and loggias

by britainsnews

Advantages of glazed balconies and the basic rules of the procedure

Today, in the context of an increased number of cars, and therefore an increase in the secreted gases and dust, glazing of balconies and loggias became a necessity. By glazing the balcony, you can increase the useful area of ​​your apartment and use it in the warm season or even year -round, depending on the chosen type of insulation. In addition, glazing the balcony will protect your apartment from street noise and dust. Glazing of the balcony of PVC profile provides the best sound, hydraulic-and thermal insulation compared to aluminum profiles. Swing or sliding plastic frames are convenient in operation, easy to care and have an acceptable price. However, keep in mind that the complete tightness of the PVC profile violates the overall ventilation of the premises.

The air ventilation and air conditioning system will help to cope with this. The easiest option is just to ventilate the room more often and monitor humidity. And the best option today is the choice of PVC windows with a built -in ventilation system, t. e. with running valves. After thinking of glazing balconies using PVC windows, you should not save on the profile: choose only high -quality materials.

A cheap profile when heated can distinguish harmful lead joints. The type of insulation depends on the purpose of the room. If the balcony is planned as an additional summer room, it is enough to seal seaming of the seams. If a winter garden or a living room is equipped on the loggias, full insulation is performed. Mineral wool or polystyrene foam is used for insulation of walls, floor and ceiling. An additional source of heat can be an electric heater or “warm floor”.

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